The vast majority of bases available online are saved as .gif files. The problem with gifs is that they are limited to a 256 colour palette on a single layer, so before you are able to use all the neat features in Paint Shop Pro, your have to get the base to a point where it's millions of colours & on a layer all of it's own! | ||
1. In Paint Shop Pro, go to File/Open and open the base that you have saved. | 2. Now, if you have a look at the colour palette for this doll, you'll see that there are not many colours to choose from! | 3. Go to Colors/Increase Colour Depth/16 Million Colors(24bit). You'll see that your colour palette looks a lot more exciting now. |
4. I always increase the size of the canvas at this point. Go to Image/Canvas Size. The actual size you set will depend on the size of the base - for preps, 200x200 is sufficient; for a larger base, you may need 400x400. Make sure that the boxes to center the image are checked. |
5. Don't worry if the background is looking rather messy, we are going to get rid of it in a moment. | 6. We want the base to be on it's own layer, so either go to Layers/Promote to Layer or right-click on the background in the layer palette & choose Promote to Layer from the menu. |
7. Select the Magic Wand tool. | 8. Hold down the SHIFT key and click on all the areas around the outside of the base. They should all become selected. | 9. Press the DELETE button on your keyboard. The background should disappear leaving the "checkerboard" effect that shows transparency. Press CTRL+D on your keyboard to drop the selection. |
10. I always like to give my bases a white background (on a seperate layer) as I find that easier to work on than the checks. Go to Layers/New Raster Layer or click on the new layer icon on the layer palette. |
11. On the Layer Properties box, name the layer Background and click on OK. | 12. Make your foreground color white and Flood Fill the Background layer. |
13. Now we need to move the background layer behind the layer containing your base. Go to Layers/Arrange/Move Down or, on the Layers Palette, click on the Background layer and drag it under Layer 1. | 14. It's a good idea to name the base layer as well now. On the Layer Palette, double click on Layer 1 and give it a useful name, like Base. | 15. To preserve all your layers, you will need to save this as a .psp file. Go to File/Save As. Give the file a name and under Save as type select Paint Shop Pro Image. |
Your base is now ready for use! | ||
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